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Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley A (Medium-roast) - One Pound Bag

Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley A (Medium-roast) - One Pound Bag

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Cupping notes: Silky smooth almost buttery body, Lots of brown sugar and caramel sweetness.

About The Farm:
The Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley A 16+ is sourced from family owned farms located in the Nebilyer Valley within the Tambul-Nebilyer District in Papua New Guinea. Each producer cultivates coffee on 1 to 2 hectares of land. The coffee is fully washed and sun dried at the Kuta mill, which has been in operation for over 40 years. The Kuta mill operates between the Ulga and Kolga tribes and has become a place of common ground for producers who have traditionally been in conflict because of tribal differences. The mill owner, Brian Leahy, makes a bonus payment after the harvest to farmers who consistently deliver quality cherries.


Acidity: Above Average
Body: Above Average
Sweetness: Above Average

Coffee Details:
Elevation: 1350 Meters
Process: Fully Washed
Drying: Patio and Solar Dried Machine
Varietals: Bourbon, Typica
Harvest: March
Export: July